Module Auto Hide Unhide Products - Stock Change

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Automate hiding sold-out or publish in-stock products Improve buying experience for your customers by hiding Products they can't buy! . This module disable product when the stock 0 and enable when stock 1 more than 0.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de vos stocks
As a store owner, you want to make sure for your customers to have a smooth experience shopping on your store. Showing out-of-stock products could be a hassle for customers and a threat for a sale. "Auto hide unhide products" helps you to hide the sold out products from your store and show them when they get back in-stock automatically. Instantly Hide or Publish products Automate hiding products as soon as the stock goes below a stock-threshold defined in the app or publish when they get back above the stock threshold. Schedule to Hide or Publish productsThe app is flexible to have a schedule functionality where you can configure the scheduler to run at a given time and all the products below defined stock-threshold will be hidden and same functionality goes for Publishing the products.Optional Manual Run-Now buttonIn addition to the automatic functionality, you have the flexibility to hide or publish manually anytime by clicking on a run-now button. You need to use this manual functionality to hide products which are already published before installing the module


➤ Log-in Admin Panel / Back-Office
 ➤ Go to Menu: Back-Office >> Modules
 ➤ Add New Module 
➤ Upload zip 
➤ Install & Configure


Increase sales for your store
Improve buying experience for your customers by automating hiding sold out products and show them when they get back in stock.
Auto hide or publish products
Set store on autopilot to hide or publish based on stock and other rules.
Hide or publish by future date
Additional feature to Hide or Publish a product by a specific date and time.

  • Auto products with combinations disabled  when stock is 0.
  • Auto products enabled when stock is 1 or greater then 0.
  • You can use a threshold to determinate the minimum quantity to disable/enable a product.
  • Multistore

Nouveautés de la version 1.2.4(02/12/2021)

  • English

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