Module Validation Search Console Google/Bing Webmaster tools

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

The module “Validation for Search Console Google and Bing Webmaster Tools”, allows to upload directly from the PrestaShop’s back office, the validation property file of a website in the Google Search Console and/or in the Bing Webmaster Tools.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Permet d'analyser votre trafic
With this module you can make easier your SEO procedure uploading the file for the examination of property of your website directly in the PrestShop’s back office, in this way you can:
Upload the verification file in your system’s root even you aren’t an expert programmer;
See from Google and Bing possible SEO error to correct .


Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools are two excellent tools for every e-commerce SEO operations. Usuallu the property verification takes place uploading a file, an html for Google and a xml for Bing, in the website’s root.The module “Validation for Search Console Google and Bing Webmaster Tools” allows to you to upload this file directlyin the root without the access to the website FTP and even you don’t know anything of the art of programming.This module is a part of a SEO suite which includes other modules.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(24/04/2019)

  • New module

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SEOchef è un’agenzia, certificata Platinum Partner PrestaShop, specializzata in web marketing e comunicazione.

L’obiettivo che ci poniamo per ogni cliente è quello di creare una forte web identity grazie alla quale condurre il suo sito e-commerce al successo, attraverso diversi strumenti e strategie.

Ci occupiamo dell’e-commerce dallo sviluppo alla definizione grafica, fino alle migliori ottimizzazioni, creando un sito SEO optimized e UX optimized: “cucito” su quelli che sono i bisogni del nostro cliente e pensato per la migliore navigabilità dei suoi utenti.