Module Broken Link Checker

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Analyze the internal and external links of your store to detect broken links that you must correct to improve the positioning and the user experience.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise le référencement naturel (SEO) sur tous les moteurs de recherche
  • Analyzes extenerl and internal links in all active languages of your shop.
  • Analyzes the shop images.
  • Analyzes scripts, css, links to schema, etc. included in your template.
  • Optimize your store's SEO by eliminating broken links.
  • Repair broken links and check if they have been corrected correctly.
  • Optimize the user experience.
  • Delivers valuable content to the target audience.


First of all, click “Add new module” at modules tab on back office. You will find it in the top right. After that, select packaged file you have downloaded and click “Upload file”. Now your module appears on modules list. Click on “Install”, and “Configure” next.
You can also unload .zip file and upload it into your modules directory. In this way you will install and configure module from modules admin.


Broken links: why is it so important to fix them?
Broken links are links from a website that no longer serve, either because they no longer exist or because the address is incorrect.

These links take the user directly to an HTTP 404 address, along with an informational message of "address not found" or "the web page being requested is not available at this time."

These faulty links negatively affect the overall quality of the store, its SEO positioning, and user experience and satisfaction.

Broken links can occur both in our own domain, that is, in any of the links on our own page, as well as in external links that we have cited in our store. In both cases, these links reduce the quality of our page and can penalize them at the SEO level, which will undoubtedly translate into a worse positioning of the page and, therefore, in a reduction in the number of visits.

A page with broken links, something that unfortunately tends to intensify as our page grows in content, is susceptible to the following negative effects:
  • User experience and satisfaction suffers, as we waste their time and also frustrate their desire to consult certain content.
  • We provoke a negative image of our page, of lack of quality and of neglect.
  • These errors reduce the trust and credibility of our website, which in the case of online stores can mean a decrease in the sales.
  • We make it difficult for Google robots to index, which can cause us to lose positions in search results.
  • Google can also penalize us for considering that our page is not sufficiently reviewed and updated.

It is obvious that, as administrators or owners of an online store, we are not interested in having broken links and we must proceed to their detection, elimination or correction; a task that is complicated in complex webs and with a constant update of its contents.
Luckily, this module allows you to analyze the links in your store to detect any broken links that may exist with the main objective that you can correct them as soon as possible.
In the main menu of your store a new link called "Analyze links" is added within Advanced parameters.
Doing a new analysis is very simple. You just have to press the "Analyze now" button for this module to start calculating the number of links in the store and then to analyze each of them.

The module shows a block of information in which you will be able to see:
  • Total number of links in your store.
  • Number of links analyzed.
  • Number and percentage of correct links.
  • Number and percentage of broken links.

Both the calculation and the analysis are shown by a progress bar in which the elapsed time, the percentage of the process, the number of links analyzed, the total number of links and the link that is being analyzed at all times is reported.

The process may take a while. The exact time will depend on the volumen of your shop.
What does this module analyze?
  • Homepage.
  • Active products.
  • Active categories.
  • Active manufacturers.
  • Active suppliers.
  • The CMS pages.
  • The CMS categories.
  • The metas.
  • All images visible in the catalog.
  • Files included in scripts, css or modules.
  • Links to social networks.

What does this module not analyze?
Specific pages created by third-party modules. In this case, it will be necessary to study each case so that this module can search for links on these pages added by third-party modules.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(18/08/2021)

  • First version

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