Module Stores locator clusterer

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Powerful store locator that clusters shops using Google Maps Clusterer in areas with a high density of retail points of sale.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise l'expérience utilisateur
  • Easier and cleaner for your customers to find retail shops on your site when there are many.
  • This module will automatically group the retail shops in the google map by area, the shops unfold as the map is zoomed in, using Google Maps Clusterer API.
  • In Prestashop 1.7 it will load the Google Map on the stores page above the stores list, with the full search form.
  • Fully customisable icons and powerful shop search.
  • Group stores in different categories and use different markers per category on the map.



  • This module will automatically group the retail shops in the google map (adding the map in Prestashop 1.7 in the first place) by area, the shops unfold as the map is zoomed in, using Google Maps Clusterer API.
  • It allows to insert the Google Maps API key, which is now mandatory for new domains in order to show the map.
  • Customise the color of the cluster icons from a set of colours: by default Google Clusterer API only provides one set of icons, this module provides many!
  • Customise the color of the number inside the icons.
  • Supports multi-shops and multi-language.

Furthermore, in Prestashop 1.7 the following options are provided:

  • Allow to define default map center in module configuration page simply clicking on a map
  • Allow to upload a custom icon for the markers on the map.
  • Create custom categories and tags for shops
  • Differentiate shops by type (on a shop level) on the map having different pins/markers per category.
  • Allow visitor to filter shops by category, by tags, or by country (via dropdown on top right corner of map).
  • Option to synchronise list of shops in search results with those currently visible on the map. This allows the users to see the addresses only of the shops he is currently checking on the map and avoid a huge list of shop addresses.
  • Flexible radius search using a slider
  • Geolocation: activate it if you want the browser to detect the users location so (s)he does not even have to type it in the search form.


  • Cache must be cleared in Advanced Parameters > Performance after installing the module. If CCC for JS is enabled, then disable, refresh frontend and enable again, too.
  • This module requires a Google API key in order to work properly. The API key must be created in and the following libraries must be enabled: Maps Javascript API, Geocoding API. It is also necessary to add a payment method in the Google Developer Console account, otherwise the map will not load correctly. In most cases, the free tier is never reached and thus nothing must be paid, but Google requires a payment method on file in case this happens.

  • Nouveautés de la version 1.5.2(14/11/2021)

    • Show autocomplete suggestions in current shop language.
    • Upgrade to latest version of Marker Clusterer library.
    • Remove countries dropdown: search for all shops in a country is now integrated into the search form.
    • Fix category custom icon not showing when no store default icon was defined.
    • Search by "your location" by default (instead of "all stores", although all stores are still displayed in the map by default).
    • Hide search input and radius slider when searching for "all stores".

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