Module Regenerate Cache - Speed up website

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Regenerates the entire shop cache and offers a greater user experience.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Augmente la vitesse de votre site
Allows the merchants to completely rebuild the cache for the products, categories, manufacturers, suppliers and cms pages without waiting for customers to initially open any of these pages.
It creates a better user experience by decreasing the loading speed of any page, by building the cache without having to manually open every page.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

The page loads faster and offers a better user experience


·  Install the module
·  Go to the module configuration page
·  Press the start button and wait for the build to finish ( we recommend building all page caches one at a time )
·  Alternatively you can also set up Cron Jobs based.


Runs multiple parallel requests at the same time to build the cache faster
Builds the cache for all: categories, products, cms, suppliers, manufacturers
Works with any cache system/module that requires the page to be accesed once before the cache is build
Work with Prestashop Native Cache System and any custom cache module
Automatically warm cache using cron jobs even on extremely big catalogs


The module requires php cURL function to work

Nouveautés de la version 1.4.1(13/11/2020)

  • - added url list when building cron job for easier verification

Support et mises à jour

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  • Mises à jour sécurité
  • Mises à jour compatibilité
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  • Support illimité

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