Module PageSpeed Insights

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

PageSpeed insights  reduce loading time of your website. Automatically compress product images and use advanced JS/CSS minification options to improveyour website performance and get higher score in Google PageSpeed Insights.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Augmente la vitesse de votre site
It allows you to improve the overall web-shop performance by speeding up the page load time. You can use the extension for building better connections the online store and visitors. Customers actually will wait the page loading for less time, so they will start go shopping faster.
If you are running the website with a lot of images, scripts and content, the Page Speed module is must have solution for you. Meet the main features, that will help you to make website loading faster:
Increase your customer and product sale .
improve your website in Search search engine.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Customer Save time .


➤ Log-in Admin Panel / Back-Office
➤ Go to Menu: Back-Office >> Modules
➤ Add New Module
➤ Upload zip
➤ Install & Configure


- Improve your website pages performance
- Make your code structure as clear as possible
- Get high score in Google PageSpeed Insights
- Automatically optimize product images
- Use CSS and JS Minification
- improve search engine optimisation
- This module is compatible with multiple stores
- Onclick install and work it.

Nouveautés de la version 4.1.5(07/09/2020)

  • English

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