Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
Mangopay payment method enable a new payment method to accept payments through "Mangopay Payment Gatway" Admin can manage fund transfer on specific order status.
Les plus de ce module Prestashop
Propose un paiement adapté à vos clients
- New payment method to accept payment from multiple credit cards.
- List of all transaction done through "Mangopay Payment Method"
- Mangopay accept credit card payments from your customers like Visa/Discover/MasterCard/American Express
- Payment method has two option 1) Direct Payment 2) Web Payment.
- Direct Payment - The customer is not redirected to an external vendor site.
- Web Payment - Customer will be redirected to mangopay server to complete the order.
Ce que vos clients aimeront
- Customer can pay using their credit card
- Customer can pay payment directly without moving to any vendor website (Direct Payment).
- Customer can see if they enter anything wrong during the payment instantly without losing other information.
Installation Process -
Step : 1 Install the zip and configured all the various selection based on your requirement.
Step : 2 Once you configure all the mangopay credentials, you can use mangopay payment method on your fronted.
Step : 3 Check out in front, new payment method will be added
- New Payment Method "Mangopay" added to the store.
- To test payment method choose "Sandbox" mode, else put it into production for actual payment.
- Mangopay accept multiple currencies.
- Payment can be done only on allowed currencies.
- List of all transaction done through "Mangopay Payment Method"
- To view transaction details on "Mangopay Account".
- Payment done through Mangopay will be faster.
- Customer's wallet will be generated at Mangopay end with provided currency.
- Customer can have multiple wallets with different currencies.
- Select order status to manage or transfer fund from customer's wallet to admin’s wallet.
- Choose payment option either "Direct Payment" or "Web Payment"
- "Direct Payment" - Customer will not be redirected to vender's website to complete payment instead they will have a customized form to complete the payment.
- "Web Payment" - Customer will be redirected to Mangopay secured payment page to complete the payment and will redirect back to your store.
- An SSL certificate is required when using this module in LIVE mode.
- Mangopay offers No setup, monthly or hidden fees. So pay only for real transactions.
Read about Mangopay pricing :
Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(20/01/2020)
- Compatible with prestashop v1.5xx and 1.6xx
- Mangopay Library Updated
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