Module Cookie Law (GDRP compliant) + CMS page

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

EU cookie policy banner GDPR compliant. Helps to comply with EU law requirements. The module is fully customizable in a few clicks

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Améliore la sécurité de votre site
After installing the module, your store will become GDPR compliant. The banner will be installed automatically, you do not need to bother, all the settings are in the module


1. Download the module's archive through the store's admin panel
2. Install it (in versions 1.7.x the module is installed automatically)
3. Go to the module settings and fill in all the settings that you need. In real time you can see how your banner will look on the site. After saving the settings, go to the main page of the site and see the banner on your site


1.You can choose the location of the banner and its size in the module settings
2. You can specify the text on the banner in different languages
3. You can fully customize the banner's style : transparency, font color, font size, background color, padding
4. In the banner, you can additionally specify a link to the page where you can find complete information about the Cookies storage policy. Specify the text of this link for different languages.
5. You can change text color and background of the button "OK"

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(14/12/2020)

  • init module

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