Module Automated currency switch

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Provides an automated currency change and displays additional prices of product in different currencies near the price in a default currency.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise l'expérience utilisateur
  • If you don't want that your customers have the possibility to change a currency of your store you can disable it and set a currency for them that you are want.
  • Very often for customers will be convenient to have the currency based on the chosen language. For example, if a customer will chose English language then Dollar currency will be applied; if German language have chosen then Euro currency will be applied, and so on. You can enable this feature.
  • Sometimes you supposed to use a one currency (for example, Euro) as a default but also need to show products prices to your customers in other currencies in a same time. You can enable this feature.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

In some countries (i suppose, in which there more then one national currency) for customers will be convenient to see products prices in all national currencies.


The module has a normal installation but uses PrestaShop class override system to override default behavior. Be sure that the option "Disable all overrides" is switched to NO (Advanced Parameters / Performance). It is the required option for this module.


1. Currency change features:
  • Automated set currency according to a language that configured in the module settings.
  • Force a currency according the module settings (disallows to change a currency by a customer).
2. The feature to display additional product prices in different currencies.
3. And the last feature - automatically disabling a currency selector module.

Nouveautés de la version 1.7.0(25/10/2021)

  • updated dependencies and a client code
  • updated translations

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