Module Cacher les prix facilement

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This module allows to hide product prices of some categories for certain customer groups but also encourage visitors to register or to connect with personalized messages.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Incite vos visiteurs à se créer un compte
You can :
  • hide product prices of some categories for certain customer groups.
  • allow the display of prices for professionals (with SIRET number or VAT number), even if they are in a group of clients without access to prices.
  • display a banner encouraging visitors to sign up.
  • customize the different messages very simply with a preview of the rendered live as you can see on the video.
  • select categories of products whose prices should not be displayed with one click.

The messages on products and headbands contain a link to the registration page / login: This is the easiest way to turn a visitor into customer!

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Your customers will be prompted to register or to connect through personalized messages containing a link to the registration / login page.


Download the odule (zip) from the back office
Click Install
Configure the module, that's all !


Do not hesitate to contact me if worries, customization, I respond very quickly to messages!
And do not forget to note the module!


This module allows:
  • hide prices (and thus prevent the purchase) for certain categories of goods and for certain customer groups.
  • whether to display prices for professionals (with SIRET or VAT number), even if they are in a group of customers who can not see prices.
  • customize the rendering of the message display on the product category page
  • to preview the rendering directly in the back office, live
  • display a custom message with a custom made in a banner either the top or nas screen
  • choose a different customization for small screens (smartphone)

Nouveautés de la version 1.3.2(17/11/2021)

  • * 1.3.2 - compatibility for

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