Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
This module adds a button on the order details page in the back office to resend the order confirmation email to the customer.
Les plus de ce module Prestashop
Facilite la gestion de votre SAV
- Sometimes customers complain they did not receive the order confirmation email, or it goes to their SPAM folder, or they deleted it for some reason and want it again. There is no way in default Prestashop to send it again.
- As a seller, you might need to change an order manually from the back office. And you want to send the customer an updated order confirmation.
- With this module, you can send the current order confirmation manually with just one click in the order details page.
- Re-send manually order confirmation email to customers, either because they ask for it or because the order changed and you want to notify them.
Nouveautés de la version 1.0.9(22/06/2021)
- [PS 1.7] New option: disable default confirmation email
- [PS 1.7] Fix product lines missing on the email on some versions of Prestashop.
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