Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
Les plus de ce module Prestashop
- Create global extra options to all products: you only need to create ONE time for an extra option and set the price impact, that extra option will be applied to all products in your store.
- Add specific extra options for each product: besides creating global extra options for all products, you also can add the specific extra option to individual products depending on your sales purposes.
- Create option groups: you can create groups of extra options to group the options with the same purpose together. The extra options will be displayed on the front office in a neat, more scientific way and also easier to manage.
- Edit both global and specific extra options conveniently from the module configuration page via extra options list.
- Display “Extra options” section on relevant positions: on product detail page, shopping cart page, order confirmation page, order detail page, on the email sent to customers.
- Increase total value of each order: thanks to the selected extra options with their price, you can earn more from each order of customers.
Ce que vos clients aimeront
- Easy to install, simple to use, a detailed document of how to install and use the module is attached to the download package.
- Extra Options module is compatible with all PrestaShop themes, even the custom themes.
- 24/7 support for any issues you meet when installing or using this module on your website.
- Create an unlimited number of global extra options (custom attributes) that apply to all or most of existing products in your store.
- Enable to edit global extra options for specific product on the product editing page.
- Enable to add specific extra options for each product.
- Allow you to apply a specific option to all products in your store.
- Group global options or specific options which have the same purpose to display on the front office together.
- Easily edit extra options from module configuration page via extra options list.
- Enable to customize the display of the “Extra options” section on the front office such as edit text, change the color of the checkbox, etc.
- “Extra options” section will be displayed on: product detail page, shopping cart page, order confirmation page, order detail page, and on the email sent to customers.
- Support multi-store mode
- Support multiple languages
Nouveautés de la version 1.0.5(30/09/2021)
- Optimize SQL query
Support et mises à jour
Lors de l'achat, votre abonnement Business Care de votre première année est automatiquement inclus, puis reconduit tacitement à la fin de la période.
Vous pouvez résilier votre abonnement à tout moment, avant la fin de la période en cours.
Les services inclus dans votre abonnement
- Mises à jour sécurité
- Mises à jour compatibilité
- Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
- Support illimité
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United Kingdom
Langues du support
ETS-Soft est une entreprise composée de jeunes développeurs passionnés qui comptent 8 ans d'expérience dans des projets Prestashop. Nous sommes l’un des meilleurs fournisseurs de modules et de thèmes de Prestashop offrir des produits de la plus haute qualité avec un service d'assistance dédié 24/7.