Module Dynamic attributes in cart

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Allows your customers dynamically update product attributes directly in cart.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise l'expérience utilisateur

In majority of shops product can not be edited after it has been added to cart. In order to change the size attribute you should remove current product from cart, then go back to product page, select the correct size and then add it back to cart.

With this module your customers can easily change size/color or any other attributes for products in cart. Updates are applied instantly, without leaving cart and in most cases without reloading page.

Dynamic attributes can be displayed in cart popup and in order summary page. You can choose one of two views for attributes: “compact view” and “full view”.

In compact view all attributes are displayed as drop-down lists in line with labels.
In full view attributes are displayed as defined in their settings: radio boxes, drop-down lists, or color selectors.

We are open to feature requests and customizations. So, if you have any interesting ideas, feel free to contact us.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Customers can easily update product attributes directly in cart.


Module is installed in a regular way. Simply upload your archive and click install.


  • Dynamic attributes are not available for products with applied customization options (filled customer fields)
  • If color code of an attribute is close to white, it automatically gets css-class "bright". This class be used for special styling


  • Dynamic attribute selection without leaving cart
  • Show/Hide dynamic attributes on cart popup
  • Show/Hide dynamic attributes on order summary page
  • Choose compact or full view for dynamic attributes

Nouveautés de la version 1.2.2(08/02/2017)

  • [*] Display notification if selected combination does not exist

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