Module Social - All-in-One - Events Tracking & Catalog

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This is the original Facebook Pixel module that helps PrestaShop store owners quickly integrate multiple fb pixels, add more pixel events and data, and optimize for more conversions. Facebook Pixels is great module.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Permet d'analyser votre trafic
Facebook analytics tool, called the Facebook Pixel, on every page of your website to track visits

Analyze the activity and performance of your website!

Hyper Pixel Events
Capture Hyper Events Like: PageScroll, Time Spent, Showed Interest, Customer Tagging, High Spender, Abandon Cart, Still Thinking, Prospect

Awesome Features
Advanced Matching Capabilities, Multiple Facebook Pixels, 1 Click Catalog Manager + Audience Manager, Advanced Facebook & Google Analytics

Catalog and Audience Manager!
Create high-converting re-marketing campaigns: Trackify creates and manages active audiences and catalog feeds for hyper-performing ads.

Facebook Catalog Synchronization
Thos module Catalogs sync with event data: Use them for Facebook retargeting ads (DPA)

Track pixel events for multiple master, niche & collection pixels and never miss a sale with the new Server-side API Purchase events!

Your Success Is On Us
FREE Setup, FREE strategy sessions, FREE optimization every days.


➤ Log-in Admin Panel / Back-Office
➤ Go to Menu: Back-Office >> Modules 
➤ Add New Module 
➤ Upload zip
 ➤ Install & Configure Configuration 


Facebook Pixels - Conversion Pro


All-in-One Pixe

your website, for example if the customer searches for a product

Views content 
of a key page, such as viewing a specific product page or shopping category

Adds a product to cart
- adds website a product add to cart

Makes a purchase

Integrate & Manage Multiple Pixels
  • Effortlessly integrate & manage an unlimited number of Facebook pixels. That includes your master pixel, multiple backup pixels, multiple niche pixels & track data across all.
Advanced Matching Capabilities
  • Track your users with advanced matching capabilities to create better audiences.
Custom & Hyper Events
  • Win Ads Manager Hyper Events are highly targeted events fired on Facebook Pixel & Google Events which allow you to create event-based Custom Audiences. Events like: Customize Product, Add To Wishlist, Add Payment Info, Lead, PageScroll, Time Spent, Customer Tagging, High Spender, Still Thinking, Inquired Product, Long Term Customers
Audience Manager
  • Create a Custom Audience & Lookalike audience with just 1 tap. Plus, create a bulk audience as well as the ranged audience in bulk.
Google Analytics Tracking
  • Connect more than 1 Google Analytics account to your store. Record all the data on multiple Google accounts
Catalog Manager
  • Create as many Facebook Catalogs as you want with just 1 click. Win Ads syncs your catalogs with your Shopify store. Create product sets inside your catalog to dynamically re-target your niche specific audience.
The Integrations You Love
  • The only Shopify app that integrates perfectly with all popular themes. Turnkey integrations with all popular upsell apps include - Candy Rack, Cartroids, Milk The Leads, EZ Cart & Checkout.
Advanced Analytics
  • Serves you with in-depth analytics of your pixels & Google analytics account. The analytics module only focuses on the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) so that you can take accurate decisions.
Target Specific Product or Niches With Tag Manager
  • Run targeted ad campaigns with specific tags created anywhere for any product or niche.
Event Builder

Now you can integrate your Facebook pixel events to any other platform .


You access Instagram Shopping or Facebook Shopping, you need to:
- Have an Instagram business account
- Sell content products and should be based on eligible countries
- Wait for the Facebook team to track your team and give their approval for these tasks
- Link Facebook Business Account to Facebook Page
- Link that Facebook page to your Instagram Business account
- Select the catalog to be used with the purchase functionality on your Trade Manager account

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(06/02/2021)

  • English

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  • Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
  • Support illimité

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