Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
The most complete module that protects the site from theft of images, right click, copy of content, keyboard shortcuts and more options. Increase your website security. Displays a modal warning window. Exclusion filter by IP addresses.
Les plus de ce module Prestashop
Améliore la sécurité de votre site
The Ultimate Front Protect module is designed to protect the web (frontend) from actions by the user such as copying content, opening the browser console, right-clicking, etc.
Now you can prevent visitors from copying your web content, opening the context menu, or performing actions from the keyboard shortcuts. This module has the option of displaying a 100% responsive modal window of warning when an unauthorized action is performed by the user. You can edit the title and content of the modal window in ALL LANGUAGES of the store.
Another of the most relevant feature is the development of a white list of IP addresses to allow all actions (ideal for development environments). You also have the option to allow all actions to customers who have registered with the store.
It also prevents image stealing (hotlinking) using advanced parameters.
This module increases the Front Office security of your online store and is an essential security add-on for all online stores.
The installation is identical to any module of Prestashop addons.
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