Module Dartmoon Disable Updates

Le Dimanche 19 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Are you afraid an update could ruin your store?
The module allows you to selectively block modules update notifications.
You choose whether to allow updates: the control is yours.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Personnalise votre boutique en ligne
Dartmoon Disable Updates was born to allow you or your web agency to manage module updates on your store.
Imagine this: you install a module, configure it, personalize it and after a simple update it stops working. Has it ever happened to you? This happens a lot of times, especially when modules are updated a long time after their installation. That’s why Dartmoon Disable Updates was created: sometimes you need a module that allows you to customize your store, without fearing that an update will ruin all your precious work.
Oftentimes you want to test module updates in a staging environment, secure and separate from your main store in production: this module is perfect for you! Disable updates in your main store and test them in your staging environment. When you’re sure they won’t cause problems, unlock updates in production and update your modules.
Say no to incompatible updates that put your store at risk!
You choose when and if to update the modules that are installed in your e-commerce!

Ce que vos clients aimeront

  • Your website won’t be malfunctioning due to errors that stem from module updates
  • Your clients will be able to navigate your store without problems
  • User experience will be optimized thanks to all the modules you can install


To install this module, follow these few easy steps:
  • Access your website’s Back Office
  • Click on “Modules”
  • Click on “Module manager”
  • Click on “Upload a module” in the top right corner
  • Choose the zip package you downloaded and upload it here
    To configure the module, you can click on “Advanced parameters” and then “Updates”.
    Nothing is easier than this!


    This module doesn’t have any incompatibility issues with other PrestaShop modules, so you can install it without worries, configure it and let it do its work.

    Lien associé à cet article :
    Module Dartmoon Disable Updates


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