Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
Advanced Pack Pro Best Navigation allows you to pump your store, an ideal search, a tooltip module, for a better description of the elements and a module for choosing the delivery date, with the delivery information displayed in the orders.
Ce que cette offre vous apporte
Facilite les recherches des utilisateurs sur votre site
Ce que vos clients aimeront
Advanced Pack Pro Navigation allows you to perform 4 key things:
- Quick navigation
- Improved Product Search
- Navigate with tips
- Selection of time and date of delivery at checkout
Advanced Presta Search Pro:
- A huge number of options
- Search by category
- Search by product
- Search by manufacturers
- Result of search on a separate page
- The ability to sort search results on a separate page.
Tooltips Anywhere:
- More understandable descriptions to explain complex things are simpler.
- Faster ordering
- Save time
- Best UX
Advanced Delivery Date Pro:
- Ability to choose a date and time that is convenient
All modules is installed like any other module. Simply upload your archive to install it.
Each module is well documented.
Advanced Presta Search Pro:
- Add search suggestions.
- Add fuzzy search.
- Add an option to select desired search logic (OR or AND).
- Add placeholders for images that weren’t found.
- Improve search results sorting.
- Fix price becoming zero with some currencies.
- Fix search results drop-down closing when clicking on any element inside it.
- Fix sorting options list disappearing on custom themes.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
- Make sure Search for an exact phrase option works properly when searching product names and descriptions at the same time.
- Minor improvements.
- Ability to search categories and manufacturers.
- Option to specify custom search fields placeholder.
- Option to specify custom root category name.
- Allow excluding categories from product search.
- Allow specifying category depth limit.
- WidgetInterface to make possible attaching Presta Search to any hook.
- New configuration settings for customizing search results preview.
- More customization options for search results preview.
Advanced Delivery Date Pro:
- Ability to disable specific days or times for delivery
- Ability to set the interval for delivery time (in minutes)
- Ability to turn off only Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays
- The ability to show the calendar
- Ability to configure multiple time intervals
- Ability to make time mandatory
- The ability to specify the date, mandatory, to fill
- The ability to hide the calendar, only on mobile devices
- Ability to disable delivery time or delivery date
- Ability to choose the time format (12 or 24 hours)
- The ability to show the date in the invoice
- The ability to show the date in orders
- Easy and quick installation
- High grade support
- Multi Store Support
- Multi-language and currency support
- Fully responsive with a nice design.
- Possibility to expand functions and integrations with other modules, upon request
- Ability to order compatibility with version 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6
- The ability to order customization and integration with your template
- Setup help
Tooltips Anywhere:
- Ability to use HTML in the description, images, and even video
- Multilingual
- Multi-store
- Ability to set background color
- Ability to set text color
- Ability to set the size of the main font
- The ability to customize hints independently of each other, including styles.
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