Modules Prestashop

Module Blog PRO + Programme de fidélité

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Le Blog pour PrestaShop + Programme de fidélité vous donne une occasion remarquable de communication avec vos clients réguliers et les visiteurs occasionnels. Multilingue et multiboutique.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise le référencement naturel (SEO) sur tous les moteurs de recherche
Blogging est une des meilleures tactiques de marketing efficace.
Si vos clients sentent que leurs besoins sont satisfaits, ils sont plus susceptibles de revenir à votre boutique encore et encore.
Règlement général sur la protection des données (GDPR)

- Compatible avec le module de conformité GDPR officiel de PrestaShop

SEO Optimisé

- Réécriture url SEO (URL Friendly)
- Meta Titre Meta, Meta Description, Meta Mots-clés
- Sitemap XML
- Google Snippets
- Boutons de partage social

Responsive bootstrap conception

- Conception sensible: affiche parfaitement sur tous les appareils / tailles d'écran.


- Support rapide. Habituellement, vous obtenez une réponse dans les 30 minutes à 24 heures maximum (jours ouvrables et jours fériés)

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Blogging est une des meilleures tactiques de marketing efficace.
Si vos clients sentent que leurs besoins sont satisfaits, ils sont plus susceptibles de revenir à votre boutique encore et encore.

Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur les choix, opinions et préférences de vos clients ?
Permettez aux gens de laisser leurs commentaires et lisez ce qu'ils disent !
Faisant partie de la communauté du blog, vos clients vont ouvertement échanger leurs pensées et exprimer leurs opinions.
Un blog avec ses lecteurs et leurs commentaires constitue un petit monde virtuel un environnement où les gens n'hésitent pas à communiquer.


- Copy the folder "blockblog" in "SITE_ROOT/modules/”
- Go to Admin section, select the "Blog PRO" in Content Management Modules and click Install to install the module.
- Click ‘configure’ and setup Blog PRO

To configure the module Blog PRO read Installation_guid.pdf , which is located in the folder  with the module.


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Module Blog PRO + Programme de fidélité
E-CommerceSEOBlogMetaSitemapréférencement naturel

Module SuperTinyMCE PRO - Professional HTML content editor

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

TinyMCE 5 editor. With professional and advanced features, image editor, Bootstrap functions, icons, and more additional plugins to edit the content of pages, products, categories and more.
Replaces the Prestashop editor.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
Prestashop, by default shows a very basic editor to be able to edit the contents of the web. For this reason, users are limited to editing simple content and with little possibility of advanced design without knowledge of html.

To facilitate editing and allow users to build advanced elements in web content, we have developed this professional module.

The SuperTinyMCE PRO module replaces the default editor with a fully professional and advanced one, allowing the user to create designs and content easily and with very professional designs.

Edit your web content in an easy, simple and very comfortable way, having all the organized buttons and functions at your fingertips, as well as enjoying many more editing possibilities with additional add-ons.

Contains more than 1000 font family types, so you can edit your content without font restrictions, you can even insert custom font family types. You can also customize the styles of the editor skin.

Even through one of its options, you can customize the sites where you want the editor to appear. Includes option to show the editor in the CONTACT FORM.

In addition, it has a very complete configuration page, from where you can customize many options and parameters to make the editor work for you.

We have incorporated other third-party plugins and developed by ourselves so that the user can use more functionalities (Youtube videos, file manager, Flickr, Readmore, etc...)

With SuperTinyMCE Pro you will edit your products, categories, CMS pages, etc ... as if you were doing it from professional editors such as Microsoft Word or similar. You will have all the elements available to make content edits with a very professional appearance.

This module replaces the default Prestashop editor, it even shows the editor in the CMS category descriptions, Email translations and in the contact form.


The editor includes a plugin to integrate the elements of the POWR platform within the text content. You can create custom forms, countdown timers, social media buttons, Paypal buttons, Sliders, Chats, pop-ups, and many more elements.


It is possible to show the editor in the text areas that you want indicating its ID value or by controller. This feature extends the compatibility between modules developed by third parties that use their own editor. In this way, the editor used by these modules can be replaced by the SuperTinyMCE Pro editor.

"SuperTinyMCE PRO is Prestashop's best-selling content editor"

Ce que vos clients aimeront

The editor can be shown in the contact form. Users and clients will be able to send messages with HTML content from the contact form easily and quickly, without having knowledge of HTML.


The installation and configuration instructions come inside the module folder. The installation process is the same as for all modules.


To use this add-on it is necessary to create an account at the following link:

As it is an integration with an external platform developed by third parties, we are not responsible for price variations in the plans or the limitations of use for each plan.


NOTE: If you have installed a version lower than 6.0.0., you must uninstall and remove completely the old version before installing the new version.



We have analyzed and checked the compatibility in the following modules:

  • Checked compatibility with the AP page builder module.
  • Checked compatibility with the Visual Composer module (Backend and Frontend editor).
  • Checked compatibility with Products Extra tabs module by Presteamshop.
  • Checked compatibility with Cookies - GDPR cookie law (block before consent) module by Idnovate.
  • Checked compatibility with PM Advanced Packs module.
  • Checked compatibility with Advanced CMS module by Silbersaiten.
  • Checked compatibility with Blog module by ETS-Soft.
  • Support for Leotheme templates and Leo Blog Management module.

Wharehouse template, Elementor Builder module (iqitelementor) and Creative Elements module support
The module has the option to disable the superTinyMCE Pro editor only in these two modules, avoiding display problems. You can continue using the default editor for these two modules.

There are many more modules compatible with our SuperTinyMCE PRO module.

Lien associé à cet article :
Module SuperTinyMCE PRO - Professional HTML content editor


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Adresse : 18 Rue Félibre Gaut, 13100 Aix-en-Provence

Téléphone : +33 9 81 88 25 84

E-mail : [email protected]

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