Modules Prestashop

Module import panier CSV / Excel

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Ce module permet à vos clients connectés d’importer un panier dans PrestaShop à l’aide d’un fichier « .csv » éditable avec Excel.
PS >= 1.6 : Selon la configuration, vous pouvez proposer l'importation des articles par code EAN ou par référence.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Facilite le commerce B2B
Faites gagner du temps à vos clients en leur laissant la possibilité de constituer un panier à l'aide d'un fichier CSV éditable avec Excel.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

  • Permet de passer des commandes rapidement.


  • Installation classique

Lien associé à cet article :
Module import panier CSV / Excel

Module Discount Countdown Pro

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Displays a countdown timer for products on discount. The timer displays the remaining time on a discount for a product (or products) along with a button which allows your customers to be reminded about the discount X number of days before it ends.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Favorise l'achat spontané
Add a live sense of urgency to your discounts!
Maximize customer interest in your product promotions by displaying a stylish counter for your products.  The countdown displays a live timer which counts down to the promotion or discount expiry date.  The timers are a great way to create a sense of urgency for your product discounts and thereby encourage customer to buy before it's too late.

Let your customers be reminded by email
The module also displays a remind me button which displays a sleek popup for for the customer. This allows the customer to choose to be reminded about the discount X number of days before it ends, by email.  It's great for the customer who doesn't want to buy it just yet, but is interested and it's great for the merchant as it'll keep potential buyers reminded and retrning to your site in the future.

Customise the module theme easily
The module colours can be edited easily within the module configuration, no need to edit stylesheets!

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Customers can immediately see which products are on offer while the are browsing the products in your store and can easily see when these offers are expriing and exactly how much time they have left to order it.

Customers can choose to be reminded about a product offer by email and it takes them a few seconds to sign up for the reminder! they can choose the number of days before the discount expiry date they should receive the reminder email.  Great for customers who are interested and may wish to come bac to the purchase at a later date


 Please refer to the documentation (ncluded in the module) for full details on installtion.

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Discount Countdown Pro


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Adresse : 18 Rue Félibre Gaut, 13100 Aix-en-Provence

Téléphone : +33 9 87 19 60 59

E-mail : [email protected]

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