Module Enable-disable product when stock changes
Le Samedi 18 décembre 20212021-12-18
Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
This module disable a product when the stock is at 0, and enable the product when the stock was at 0 and now is at more than 0.
Les plus de ce module Prestashop
Optimise la gestion de vos stocks
Forget disabling by hand products, when stock is 0.
Forget products in your store without stock
It works automatically, so one installed just forget it
Forget products in your store without stock
It works automatically, so one installed just forget it
Ce que vos clients aimeront
Customers avoid to see product without stock, they will see always a store with the products that really are in stock
Normal module installation, very easy and quick
It will override the StockAvailable class in the setQuantity function
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