Modules Prestashop

Module Export product in Microsoft Excel

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Comfortable and customizable export of product, combinations, categories from your shop in Excel
Can download necessary products and column for them
Configure position column Excel 
Log errors execution process
Multishop multilanguages

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous fait gagner du temps
Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
  • Quick exports of product, combinations and categories
  • Can be customized to any shop
  • Easy to use
  • Support multi shop, multi languages
  • The ability to automatically save the exported file on the server (link to file you can show your customers)
If necessary, after the export and edit Excel file you can upload it, to the store through these modules:
Import product from Microsoft Excel
Import product from Microsoft Excel Lite

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Export product in Microsoft Excel

Module Multi-currencies for products in backoffice

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

​Do you have products with different currencies from various suppliers? You can save product selling price and wholesale price in different currencies and module will convert them to the main currency of your store.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous fait gagner du temps
Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
It's very simple and fast update your products:
  • Module adds a new subtab to catalog parent tab.
  • It filtrates according to category, manufacturer, supplier, product activity and combinations.
  • When converison rate is changed, all prices will be recounted.
  • Module works with AJAX technology (without page reload).
This module saves your time when conversion rate is being changed between several currencies. You don't need to edit all products prices in whole shop. Module will do it for you!

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Multi-currencies for products in backoffice


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