Modules Prestashop

Module Ask about product - contact form with CAPTCHA

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Module for communication between the client and the seller. Allows to send question about the product directly from card product. 

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Améliore la relation client
This module will help you convince the customers to buy the product. If they will have any questions or doubts  it is easy way to send a message about the product which will go right to your mailbox. 

Ce que vos clients aimeront

This module allows your customer to ask a question about this product directly from the website of the product. This will make it easier contact between the seller and the buyer so you can quickly dispel doubts and encourage the customer to buy. 



1. Download module from
2. Unzip and upload module to 'Modules' folder on your server
3. Go to modules in BackOffice and find the Navigation Arrows module, click install.
4. Now you can configure module, to do it please click "Configure".


Automatically open window with form after a certain time
The window with form will be opened automatically, you can set the time after which the window should open in milliseconds (for example 15000ms is 15 seconds)

Automatically close window
The window with form will be closed automatically closed when question is sent.

Display extra field with phone number
The form will display an additional field for the phone number.

Enable Google reCAPTCHA
To minimize the spam rate, you can turn on Google reCAPTCHA, enter Site Key and Secret Key which you can get at

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Ask about product - contact form with CAPTCHA

Module Stripe Subscription with Automatic Recurring Payment

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Subscription-based pricing attracts more customers
Support Onetime + Subscription Recurring payments with SCA
Sell your products with Stripe recurring payments. Create billing rules and Take Credit/Debit card payments easily and directly in your store

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Permet à vos clients de régler leurs achats en plusieurs fois
  • Reduces missed or late payments.
  • Avoid payment conversations with customers/clients.
  • Reduces administrative costs.
  • Security.
  • Better experience for your customers.
  • Pricing options. Such as onetime payment or subscribe.
  • Allows you to easily offer subscription-altering offers to your customers.
  • Increase customer retention.
  • PCI compliant payment solution
  • User Friendly.Signing up on Stripe Subscription as a merchant and receiving recurring payment is pretty straightforward.
  • Merchant Centric. Merchants who face issues can easily reach the Stripe Subscription support team via phone, chat, email, and even on social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook.
  • Global Payments. Stripe supports processing payments from 135+ counties allowing you to charge customers in their currencies while receiving funds in yours.
  • Minimize the Legwork. It’s easy as sitting back and watching the payments get deposited in your business bank account on your customers pre-determined billing dates. 

Ce que vos clients aimeront

  • Customers can subscribe the goodies. Which they want frequently.
  • Customer can choose a subscription interval as per their need.
  • Allows customers to fully manage their subscriptions directly from their accounts.
  • Customer can cancel the subscription at any time (If enabled).
  • Customer can pay using their credit/debit card
  • Customer can pay payment directly without moving to any vendor website.
  • Customer can see if they enter anything wrong during the payment instantly without losing other information.


Step: 1 Install the zip and configured all the various selection based on your requirement.
Step: 2 Once you configure all the stripe credentials, you can use stripe payment method on your front end.
Step: 3 Check out in front, new payment method will be added
Step: 4 You alsocan add subscription feature as per your requirement.


Why use Stripe subscription?

Subscription-based pricing attracts more customers
A monthly charge of 25 is more attractive to consumers than a one-time charge of 500. Your products will face barriers to entry due to their higher price. 
Stripe Subscription Payment Increase the number of potential customers who can purchase your products by lowering the entry barrier. 

Recurring billing offers predictable revenue.
In a pay-once model, you must constantly attract and convert customers to earn revenue. It can be expensive. The investment you made toward customer acquisition can be more difficult to recover if one month's performance is poor.
Your subscribers pay you on a regular basis when they subscribe to your business model. Since the amount of recurring payments is decided on at the time of initial sale, it allows you to predict your revenue each month. Also, you won't order more supplies or stock more inventory than you need.
Subscription billing increases return on customer acquisition costs
One-time payment models have a fixed rate of return on your customer acquisition cost (CAC). With the subscription model, however, there is no standard return on this key measure.
Despite the CAC remaining similar (based on marketing channels and conversion paths), the CLV increases with the length of time a user stays with you.
You can earn more through up- and cross-selling
Since you stay in constant communication with your clients, you build trust between them. This makes it easier to market additional and complimentary services. Upsells are usually easier with a subscription business since the customer has a prior relationship with your business and will be receptive to any added value you can provide.
As well, once subscription fees are included in consumers' expected monthly or annual budgets, they are able to see the added benefits as more affordable. This is especially true for customers using your subscription to learn and/or grow, who may find that add-ons enable them to achieve goals more efficiently.

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Stripe Subscription with Automatic Recurring Payment


Pour une réponse plus rapide, décrivez au mieux votre projet, détaillez votre besoin et les compétences dont vous avez besoin.

Adresse : 18 Rue Félibre Gaut, 13100 Aix-en-Provence

Téléphone : +33 9 87 19 60 59

E-mail : [email protected]

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