The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on May 25th aims at merging regulations related to data privacy policies in the European Union. This text improves people’s rights and imposes new accountability logic on entities involved by requiring them to take the necessary, appropriate solutions to ensure a suitable level of security when processing personal data.
Your customers will have the main following rights:
- The right to access their personal data;
- The right to data portability;
- The right to obtain modification and/or erasure of their personal data;
- The right to give and withdraw their consent.
Our Prestashop GDPR compliance module allows you to provide these privileges to your customers, add detailed description about what personal data is needed and for what purposes it is used, ensuring that customers can make an informed decision when browsing on your site.
Main features of GDPR Compliance module:
1. Privacy Policy notification popup with GDPR notices
- Displays a professional popup notification on the front office with Privacy Policy notification and GDPR notices, entirely responsive and adapt to your site.
- Easy to customize the popup content, color (button color, text color, popup background color and opacity), 4 pre-defined popup positions (top, button, left and right), sorting popup content order.
2. Customer privileges
- You can choose to give customer necessary rights with their personal data according to your preference and GDPR compliance requirements.
- Customers will be informed when their data has been modified by
- Customers can view and download their own personal data.
- Customers may change their subscription status.
- “Right to be forgotten” – your customers can send deletion request or directly erase their personal data. In addition, they can also withdraw their requests.
3. Data modification and access logs
- Customer is notified via email when their personal data is modified (with details of the modifications) or their account is logged in (with IP, location, browser name, etc.) by someone. They can also review the data modification and account accesses from their account control area. This helps customer protect their data and know if their personal data is illegally adjusted or accessed.
- You can also keep track of all the modification and account accesses from the module’s back office.
4. Rights for customers to erase their data
- This is one of the most important terms in GDPR
- Prestashop GDPR Compliance module perfectly makes your website fit this requirement of GDPR.
- With GDPR Compliance module, you can allow your customers to completely delete their data storing on your website or only specific kinds of the data (such as general account information, addresses, ordering information, contact messages, subscription statuses, data modification logs and account access logs).
- You can decide to allow customers to delete their data whenever they want or require them to submit a data deletion request, after that you can review and decide to approve or decline that deletion request.