Jobfly - Job Board Figma UI Template for Job Portal Mobile App
Jobfly is an exceptional Job Board Figma Template designed for job finding and job posting types. Our app design contains 105 distinct screens that feature well-organized and layered elements.
Each screen is fully customizable and is designed for user-friendly navigation. We also assemble each screen in Figma, a design platform, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your project is ready to use for Mobile devices.
Our template makes it easy to create a product or service, so you can start.
Key Features
- 105 Screens Layout
- Light version
- Free Fonts Used
- 100% Vector and Customizable
- Designed with Figma Auto Layout
- Component, Property Used
Screens Included
- 01_Splash
- 02_Splash
- 03_Splash
- 04_Splash
- 05_hello_jobfly
- 06_Login
- 07_create_account
- 08_verification
- 09_reset_password
- 10_create_password
- 11_welcome
- 12_home
- 13_search
- 14_earch_result_not_found
- 15_remote_jobs
- 16_fulltime_jobs
- 17_pertime_jobs
- 18_live_jobs
- 19_company_jobs
- 20_New_Jobs
- 21_all_categories
- 22_designer_jobs
- 23_recent_jobs
- 24_companies_jobs
- 25_ebay_jobs
- 26_featured_Jobs
- 27_filter_v1
- 28_filter_v2
- 29_bookmark
- 30_message
- 31_message_delete
- 32_Chat_message
- 33_Chat_message_delete
- 34_no_message
- 35_job_discription
- 36_job_discription_company
- 37_upload_cv_option
- 38_upload_cv
- 39_upload_cv
- 40_upload_cv
- 41_upload_cv_option
- 42_upload_cv_fill
- 43_success_payment
- 44_create_your_cv
- 45_start_create_your_cv
- 46_personal_statement
- 47_employment_history
- 48_education
- 49_location
- 50_skill
- 51_language
- 52_certifications
- 53_awards
- 54_references
- 55_links
- 56_interests
- 57_complate_profile
- 58_preview_cv
- 59_post_job
- 60_directly_post_job
- 61_post_a_job
- 62_post_preview
- 63_billing_information
- 64_payment
- 65_otp
- 66_success_payment
- 67_directly_post_job_package
- 68_select_package
- 69_payment
- 70_otp
- 71_success_payment
- 72_job_index_website
- 72_job_index_website
- 73_website_info
- 74_feed
- 75_ats
- 76_about
- 77_thank_submition
- 78_boost_visibility
- 79_promote_job_add
- 80_job_partner
- 81_presentation
- 82_success
- 83_cv_search
- 84_package
- 85_payment
- 86_otp
- 87_success_payment
- 88_why_used_jobfly
- 89_save_Jobs
- 90_save_Jobs_option
- 91_no_saved
- 92_notification
- 93_notification_delete
- 94_notification_option
- 95_your_application
- 96_no_noticifation
- 97__profile
- 98__Profile_edit
- 99_Update_password
- 100_Update_password
- 101_log_out
- 102_lockscreen_v1
- 103_lockscreen_v2
- 104_side_menu_v1
- 105_side_menu_v2
This is the names of the fonts that I used and how you can get them…
I’ve used 1 free font
- 01. Inter
Sources and Credits
- Carbon Icon
Carbon Icon - Flaticon - Unsplash - Pexels - Freepik