MyCity - Geolocation directory and events guide

Appstore and Android app (not included, but fully fully compatible)
7 July 17 + add google map key option 23 May 17 + fixed bugs 3 May 2017 + added support https + fixed bugs + updated VC plugin 9 November + added upload image in places gallery + fixed bugs 17 October + updates plugin VC and Slider Revolution 6 October + updates plugin + fixed bugs with google place import + add button get directories 5 August 16 + updated Plugin EventOn to 2.4.3 + fixed bugs with event + add arrow pagination in places 2 July 16 + fixed bugs airbnb map and others + updated Plugins + updated demo import + added new type searching + added new shortcodes June 1 + update plugins + improve app compatibility April 15 + bulk import from google places + updated plugins + add table price shortcode + WordPress 4.5 support April 05 + bulk import from google tables (excel, csv) + updated EventOn to 2.3.20 + Town places block add Custom Categories March 25 + Automatic import points from March 17 + add place focus on scroll + updated Plugins March 1 + corrected demo import, + add button to show all markers, + added options to the shortcode "The best places weekly" February 08 + update plugins January 28 + Fixed many bugs + updated demo import + added distance info + added footer background December 24: + WordPress 4.4 support December 4: +admin can change place slug +added map with subcategories +added 1000+ Trendy line icon set +added "small descriptions" textarea +bbpress +now section on frontpage can be edit via VC +many bug fixed November 21: +Added Dialogs plugin: +Added Paypal Recurring plugin: November 11: +Added multilanguage +Added boxed style on place page
Online documentation
Installation Video Instruction:
For quick support contact in email: [email protected] . (time zone UTC +4 )