Module Whatsapp Live Chat With Customers

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Chat with your customers via WhatsApp. Essential module for your shop, it will allow your customers to contact you easily and quickly to get informations about your products, guiding them and helping them with their purchases in real time.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Favorise l'achat spontané
Now your customers can contact you via WhatsApp chat directly to your mobile phone when, browsing your e-commerce, they need product information. It is not necessary for your customers to have your phone number, just click on the icon on your site to directly open a whatsapp chat with you.

The application also supports whtasapp web.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Many customers need information before completing the purchase. Through direct contact they will be encouraged to complete the purchase.


  • WhatsApp is the most popular chat application in over half the world.
  • Whatsapp is free, so they can easily and quickly contact you.
  • WhatsApp Chat will increase sales.
  • With a single click on the phones WhatsApp will start with a chat ready to send you messages.
  • Show or hide 3 different icons
  • General icon
  • Product page icon
Whtsapp Share icon

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.1(02/04/2021)


Support et mises à jour

Lors de l'achat, votre abonnement Business Care de votre première année est automatiquement inclus, puis reconduit tacitement à la fin de la période.

Vous pouvez résilier votre abonnement à tout moment, avant la fin de la période en cours.

Les services inclus dans votre abonnement

  • Mises à jour sécurité
  • Mises à jour compatibilité
  • Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
  • Support illimité

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