Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
Fast and flexible ajax filter for products in Back Office.
Search products in your catalog by lots of filters and display new columns in the product list - brand, suppliers, features, attributes and much more.
Les plus de ce module Prestashop
Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
With this module you can easily find any product in your catalog directly in Back Office. it adds new filters and columns at the product listing page.
This module allows you to:
- Search products that need your attention - for example products with incomplete or incorrect data, or just needing an update
- Search various products by specific parameters - when picking a product for a customer or reviewing your catalog
- Display important information directly in the product list - brand, suppliers, discounts, combinations, EAN-13 / UPC and much more - almost any exising product field. In addition you can hide any standard column
Additional features:
- Filters and columns can be configured separately for each employee
- The module allows you to create sets of filters and quickly switch between them
- You can export your products to CSV - just like when using the standard export tool but with all the extra columns
Search products by:
- brand
- supplier
- description
- features and feature values
- attribute groups and attributes
- wholesale price (cost price)
- supplier references
- EAN-13 / JAN
- UPC barcode
- having combinations
- having images
- product type
- tax rule
- weight
- having active discounts
- behavior when out of stock
- available carriers
- tags
- condition
- customizable
- having attachments
- number of sales
- visibility
- web only
Available columns for the product list:
- brand
- suppliers
- default supplier
- supplier references
- wholesale price (cost price)
- short description
- EAN-13 / JAN
- UPC barcode
- features
- feature values
- attributes
- combinations
- type
- active discounts
- availability
- behavior when out of stock
- available carriers
- tags
- is customizable
- having attachments
- number of sales
- visibility
- weight
- dimensions
- tax rule
- condition
- meta title
- web only
+ Ability to hide any default column.
Nouveautés de la version 1.0.2(26/11/2021)
- Minor improvements
Support et mises à jour
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- Mises à jour sécurité
- Mises à jour compatibilité
- Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
- Support illimité
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