Module Discount rules with conditions using Api

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

You can add discount rules with conditions using Prestashop´s API, avoid mistakes and sabe work. From now you will no longer add discount rules with conditions at Prestashop´s Backoffice.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous aide à réussir vos promotions
The Addon ofers you the chance to add discount rules (of catalog and cart) trhoug Prestashop´s Webservices using all the options avaliable at Backoffice, as add a rule to a category, mark, product, etc.
  • You can send catalog or cart rules with conditions. Extends the funtionality of Prestashop´s API to be able to send both catalog rules and cart rules with their respective conditions using the API.
  • Option to delete obsolete files automatically. It add an option that can be activated or disactivated from the BackOffice, which allows that when a cart rule is uploaded, all existing rules which affect the product or products affected by the new one are deleted.
  • Option to automatically delete obsolet rules. It adds an option that can be activated or disactivated from the BackOffice which allows that when a cart rule is uploaded, all existing rules affected the product or products are deleted.
  • Option to use the specific Price as base Price It includes an option that can be activated or disactivated from BackOffice, which allows us that the fixed Price entered in the “Price” section of a product could be used in the “Specific prices” section.
If you need that we do some customization at the addon, please contact us to request a quote.
Do you have any question? Send us a message and we respond you as soon as possible.


Cart rules:
  • Add country restrictions
  • Add carrier restrictions
  • Add compatibility with other rules
  • Add customer groups
  • Add products with stock and to what is relative (products, categories, attributes, etc.)
  • It allows you to delete the rules which affect the same produc or products that you are triying to send.
  • You can add several restrictions at the same time.
Catalog Rules
  • Add countries, coins and groups restrictions
  • Add conditions by category
  • Add conditions by mark
  • Add conditions by supplier
  • Add conditions by attributes
  • Add conditions by features
You can add several conditions and several groups of conditions

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.1(16/11/2021)

  • Various fixes

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