Module Product Feed For Catalog and Insta

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

The plugin help to make advertising on Facebook using data feed.
Data feed is a file with detailed information about your products - name, prices, image URLs, and other product attributes matching with Google categories.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous aide à réussir vos promotions
How it works:
  • Create a data feed with detailed information about your products using the Facebook Feed Products plugin.
  • Sign up for a Facebook account and create a Catalog in your Facebook advertising account (if this hasn’t been done in advance).
  • Upload the feed to the Facebook Catalog and make sure that it has successfully passed the moderation.

  • Support for large stores (over 150 thousand products);
  • Added mapping of fields, you can automatically replace fields if they are empty;
  • Cron Jobs (suitable for updating large online stores);
  • Multilanguage support (generate feeds for all languages);
  • Supported creation and access to feeds via link or file;
  • Change Uppercase to lowercase in title and description;
  • Crop large description;
  • The ability to update the list of Google categories;
  • The selection of match categories of goods on Google to site categories;
  • Easy installation and configuration;
  • Support 1.7 * 1.6 * versions of PrestaShop;


  • Support for large stores (over 150 thousand products);
  • Added mapping of fields, you can automatically replace fields if they are empty;
  • Cron Jobs (suitable for updating large online stores);
  • Multilanguage support (generate feeds for all languages);
  • Supported creation and access to feeds via link or file;
  • Change Uppercase to lowercase in title and description;
  • Crop large description;
  • The ability to update the list of Google categories;
  • The selection of match categories of goods on Google to site categories;
  • Easy installation and configuration;
  • Support 1.7 * 1.6 * versions of PrestaShop;


The most common questions:

1. Can I not use Google categories?
- Yes, you can turn it off in the plugin settings, then all active products will get into the upload.

2. Can I only use goods from a certain category in unloading?
- Yes, by default, goods from the categories that you linked to Google categories fall into the upload.

3. Can I get the upload as a file or via a link?
- Yes, you can get the unloading both by reference and in the form of a file.

4. If Facebook says that I have an empty description for some products, can I reassign this field?
- Yes, the plugin has the ability to reassign fields. If you have an empty description field, it will substitute the name of your product there.

5. If Facebook says that I have all the words spelled in capital letters in the name of the product?
- Our plugin converts uppercase letters to uppercase.

6. Can I choose the language for upload?
- Yes, you can specify the upload language in the settings.

7. Can I use this feed for Instagram?
- Yes of course.

Nouveautés de la version 1.5.0(28/06/2021)

  • Fixed bug with saving parameters
  • Fixed bug with generating feeds
  • Moved admin functions to backend controller
  • Switched from DomDocument to XmlWriter
  • Fixed bug with downloading google taxonomy

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