Module Clear cache css and js

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Having problems with your customers seeing recent changes to the site?
Just by activating the options of "Clean css" and / or "Clean js" you will be able to appreciate the changes made in the site.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous fait gagner du temps
Avoid problems with your customers, annoyances because they can not see the changes
We know that it is not good practice to say "Press ctrl + f5 several times" since after this comes the typical question, should all clients have to do this to see the changes in the site?


  • While the module options are activated, the module will be in operation
  • Remember to disable


  • Remove the cache of your CSS and JS files
  • Being enabled provides an ideal development environment for frontend developers


  • Disable once update is complete

Nouveautés de la version 2.1.0(05/03/2021)

  • works with CCC (Combine, Compression and Cache) active

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