Module Set product as new/old

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Allows to set a product as "new" or "not new".

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
Sometimes as a merchant you need to promote an existing product as a new product, because it has new color options, sizes or so forth. This module allows you to do this with a single click. Just click on "configure" on the module and search the product by name, reference or ID. The product list field autocompletes while you type.


Install on back office as any other module.


  • This module allows to change the status of a product to new so it shows in the "new products" block and adds the "new" tag to the product if the template is designed to show it.

  • Likewise it allows to mark a product as old so it does not show up in the new products module nor has the "new" label.

Nouveautés de la version 1.2.3(20/07/2018)

  • Added Spanish translation.
  • Enabled auto-update feature.

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