Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
Les plus de ce module Prestashop
- 100% Open source;
- License Certificate valid for one live Prestashop installation and unlimited test Prestashop installations (no-license key required);
- Tested on all standard browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, EDGE
- Tested on different servers: Windows, Linux
- Add extra fields to the registration form. You can add the unlimited number of fields to the registration form.
- Add extra fields to the checkout page. Prestashop custom fields module allows you to add fields to shipping & payment step of the checkout page.
- View & edit custom fields data by the administrator via Back Office
- View & edit custom fields data by the customer via Front Office
- (Option) Set a field as reading only. Customers can enter on the registration form, but he/she can’t edit.
- (Option) Save automatically email for the newsletter if the custom field is email.
- Show custom field value on PDF invoice
- Show custom field value on Back Office order list page & order detail page.
- Show custom field value on Back Office customer list page & customer detail page.
- Textbox
- Select dropdown (single selection or multi-selection)
- Textarea
- Textarea with editor (Tiny MCE)
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Color picker
- Color box (allow set default color, customers can choose like as the checkbox)
- Time (select hour, minute, second)
- Date Picker.
- File upload - You can limited file type (extension), you can allow upload multi files.
- Hidden field - You can add fixed value or dynamic (variable) value like customer info (name, id, email), product info (name, id), shop name, currency, language.
- Product - You can add products to your form, your customer can choose a product as an input.
- Captcha - With Google ReCaptcha.
- HTML block - This isn’t an input field that helps you to add content, text, image to your form.
- Google Map - This isn’t an input field that helps you to add Google map to your form.
- Range Slider - You can set min, max, value, range
- Survey - This is like radio or checkbox but with multi-value and display like a table
- Spinner - Enhance a text input for entering numeric values, with up/down buttons.
- Yes/No - Touch or click to change to yes or no. It is like checkbox but with friendly UI for both mobile, tablet and desktop
- Checkbox with thumbnail image - You can upload your thumbnail, custom.
- Rating field - With stars, it will help you to make customer survey.
- Submit button - You can custom title (text)
- Name - Check for name validity
- Address - Check for a postal address validity
- Email - Check for Email validity
- City Name - Check for City name validity
- Date - Check for date validity
- URL - Check for URL validity
- Number - Check for an integer validity
- Unsigned Int - Check for an integer validity (unsigned)
- Float - Check for a float number validity
- Unsigned Float - Check for a float number validity (unsigned)
- Percentage - Check for a percentage validity (between 0 and 100)
- Price - Check for price validity
- String - Check for string validity
- Post Code - Check for postal code validity
- Birth Date - Check for birth date validity
- Password - Check for password validity
- Clean HTML - Check for HTML field validity (no XSS please !)
- Mandatory or Not
- Multichoice, multi-selection, Multi files uploaded
- Label position: Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Hide
- Custom HTML ID and Class
- Description
- Validation type(as above we mention)
- If the module is useful, please leave a review and share with your social network. We are happy to hear your positive feedback.
- Don’t hesitate to contact us If you are looking for a feature that isn’t available in the module. We will do our best to add the feature to the module.
- If you found any bug or face any problem when using the module, please contact us. We will fix the bug and support.
Nouveautés de la version 1.0.8(11/05/2021)
- Merge to one package for both Prestashop 1.6x and 1.7x
- Update button show data in customer, order BO
- Remove override admincustomer, adminorder
- Fix datepicker BO
- Fix download image thumb
- Fix js save field FO in Prestashop 1.6.x
Support et mises à jour
Lors de l'achat, votre abonnement Business Care de votre première année est automatiquement inclus, puis reconduit tacitement à la fin de la période.
Vous pouvez résilier votre abonnement à tout moment, avant la fin de la période en cours.
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- Mises à jour sécurité
- Mises à jour compatibilité
- Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
- Support illimité
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