Module Product Extra Tabs - Tabs additional information

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Add additional information that your customers expect to find in your products, with this module you will have no more limitations to add tabs.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
Accurate product information at the perfect site
Prestashop only has a general information tab, which often falls short to show all the information we want to show potential customers, and, often, it is crucial information.
Do you need to show information only to a group of customers?
Does one of your manufacturers need an additional tab in their products to display information?
Does one of your categories require your products to display additional operating information?
These are just a few cases that this module could solve, the combinations are multiple, not only can you better organize the information you show, but you can control how it is shown as this module allows to change the way in which said tabs Are shown (in accordion, vertical or horizontal).
The administration of the same is easy from its own administration panel, it will avoid possible consultations of its clients showing more information in the products, at the same time that their percentages of conversion and sales improve.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

  • Your customers will always have the most detailed product information.


It does not require any programming knowledge to install our module. In special cases that require something technical or because of some customization, compatibility with another module or template, do not hesitate to contact us to help.


  • Assign tabs to groups of customers, categories, manufacturers or suppliers.
  • Adjust different tab contents for each of your products.
  • Add content based on the attributes (Combinations) selected by the client.
  • TinyMCE editor in tabs, add images, videos, flash and give different styles to the content.
  • Sort the position of the created tabs by drag and drop.
  • Add a global or generic tab that will be displayed on all products in a particular category or on all products in all categories.
  • Easily find the contents of the tabs created with our integrated search engine.
  • Add a tab type contact form, where your customers can ask about the product they are viewing.
  • Enable or disable tabs.
  • Create unlimited tabs on your product tabs.
  • Change how your tabs are displayed.
This module works in responsive environments, mobile, tablets, etc so that you can also capture these visitors whose traffic is increasing.

Nouveautés de la version 2.2.5(02/12/2021)

  • #PET-187: Error when trying to modify the content created when the category is disabled.
  • #PET-185: Create content: Only allow 60 characters in the excluded products field.
  • #PET-119: Allows you to create tabs with the repeated internal name.
  • #PET-117: Allow enable/disable content of tabs in FrontOffice.
  • #PET-95: Copy the content of the tabs when duplicating a product.
  • #PET-73: Content creation: Allow content to be associated with more than one customer group.

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