Module Custom Order Invoice & Files

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This module allows you to upload a files to an order in Prestashop. You can upload any type of file (image, document, pdf etc.) The uploaded file can replace the auto generated pdf invoice or display as an attachment on the order details page.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Facilite la gestion de votre SAV
When installed the module adds a file upload option into the order details in your backend. An employee can then upload multiple files. You can also set a file as a default invoice, when the customer downloads the invoice this file is used instead of the default invoice generated by Prestashop.
This is especially useful when the default invoice does not meet your country's regulations, or if you need to use an external system to generate these invoices. You could upload a scanned copy of your own invoices or use a file generated by any other system.


The installation is quite straightforwards, no overrides are used.


  • Simple installation
  • Multiple files associated with an order
  • Easy upload of invoices through the order page
  • Replaces the current download link automatically

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.5(13/05/2021)

  • Bugfix - Sending email failing after a custom invoice is added as default

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