Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce
Les plus de ce module Prestashop
- Create a place for discussion about the product and your service
- As customers discuss your offerings, they are generating, for free, fresh content that is rich in keywords and is attractive to search engines.
- By having an online community, customers are encouraged to visit your website more often, and then they tell others about it.
- Customers will typically and freely share ideas on how you could improve your offerings, market them better, and reach new prospects.
- Customers can answer one another's questions, thus reducing your support costs.
Ce que vos clients aimeront
Comments and evaluation about products / services
Get more flexible supports and informations
Details of other features:
- Auto generate meta tags (title, descriptions, keywords)
- Latest comments
- Statistics
- Multilingual
- Responsive (with responsive themes)
- Intuitive interface, modern (Easily create new comments on footer of details page)
- Customize the blocks display (left/right/each page, except page)
- Human readable diff time !!! (ex: 2 minutes ago, yesterday 2_00am, Monday 18:00pm,...)
- Private forum
- Helps/Terms/Rules page
Back-office management
- Forums tree
- Topics management
- Comments management
- Users management
- Groups management
- Position
- Notifications on top bar
- Count numbers of hidden contents
- Shortcut to forums
- Choose a Avatar (auto crop to square)
- Use a nickname
- Create groups (Registered/Moderator/Administrator..)
- Set permissions for each group
- Create new topics (must have permissions)
- Post new comments (must have permissions)
- Edit/Delete your contents (must have permissions)
- Closed topic
- Highlight mode
- Like possible !!! (amazing feature!!!)
- Quote and reply !!! (amazing feature!!!)
- Sharing (Facebook, Tweeter, Google+...)
- Edit/Delete/Close on each content
- Hidden comments
- Edit link rewrite
- Optimus search keywords using tags
- TinyMCE for editor (full features)
- Simply to create new topics/comments
And many other features.
We continuously update and listen your response to ever-improving it.
Nouveautés de la version 2.9.0(21/02/2021)
- Fixed issue on TinyMCE editor
Support et mises à jour
Lors de l'achat, votre abonnement Business Care de votre première année est automatiquement inclus, puis reconduit tacitement à la fin de la période.
Vous pouvez résilier votre abonnement à tout moment, avant la fin de la période en cours.
Les services inclus dans votre abonnement
- Mises à jour sécurité
- Mises à jour compatibilité
- Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
- Support illimité
Vous souhaitez avoir plus de détails? Découvrez les questions les plus fréquemment posées autour de Business Care.
A propos
Langues du support