Module Browser Tab Notification - Cart Item Favicon Icon

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Boosting your store sales conversion and reduce number of abandoned cart and incomplete orders with a browser tab favicon badge notification on your store favicon.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Incite vos visiteurs à finaliser leurs achats
✔ Set Animated website title with favicon
✔ Changing website title automatically when customers changes tab
✔ Tricks to bring customer back to website when away from website tab
✔ Bring customers attention back to website when away from website tab
✔ This approaches are important in terms of user experience
✔ By adding this module to your website, you can automatically update your site's favicon and website title whenever the website isn't currently being viewed
✔ It's great way to get customers back onto your website and ultimately, decrease bounce rates
✔ Boost your store conversion and decrease number of abandoned carts and incomplete orders
✔ Encourage visitors to complete purchases
✔ Do not forget their orders when view another Browser's tab
✔ Easy to Use 

Ce que vos clients aimeront

✔ Improve Customer experience
✔ Improve Customer Satisfaction
✔ Encourage customers to complete purchases
✔ Do not forget their orders when view another Browser's tab


✔ Download module zip file.
✔ Go to Admin > Modules > Module Manager > Click on "Upload a Module" button.
✔ Upload downloaded module file and configure module setting.
✔ Now module is installed and configured. That's it.
✔ Read Document pdf file for more information.


✔ Blinking website site title and favicon when customer away from website
✔ Set new document title and favicon in browser tab
✔ Set alternative document title and favicon in browser tab
✔ Set cart items badge background color in browser tab
✔ Set cart items badge text color in browser tab
✔ Set cart items badge positions - Top Right - Top Left - Bottom Right - Bottom Left
✔ Set cart items badge animation - Slide - Fade - Pop - PopFade
✔ Set cart items badge Shape - Circle - Square
✔ Multi-language supported
✔ Easy to Use 

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(17/07/2020)

  • Module release for PS v1.7

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