Module Testimonials and Reviews Slider & Blocks

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Testimonials and Reviews is module which help you to display all testimonials on slider. It is very flexible and easy to install and integrate into your shop.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Améliore la réassurance client sur votre site
By install and use our testimonial module. It will help you easy display testimonials on your website and allow your customers post their review. It support to flexible display customer's testimonials on any page with static block. With this plugin it’s possible to create/collect/manage and show testimonials of your clients and users. Control what information you want to show in testimonials block.


This easy at installation and flexible at configuration module allows you to create attractive Testimonials and Reviews Slider & Blocks in a couple of minutes!

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Module Testimonials and Reviews Slider & Blocks


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