Module Synthèse des ventes et des taxes

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

The module allows you to easily retrieve a summary of your sales and the corresponding amount of taxes (VAT, ecotax, etc.) by means of payment and by carrier
This module is the top-notch solution for your VAT declarations and your accounting

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Permet d'analyser l'activité de votre boutique
Vous fait gagner du temps
With the Sales Summary module,
  • Get a clear and precise overview of your activity
  • you will be able to find out VAT amounts, broken down by mean of payment or by carrier
  • display the amount of taxes on order details page


Simply use the Prestashop automated installer : 
  • Go to « Modules » in your back-office
  • Click on « add new module » in the top right corner
  • Upload
  • Click on « install »
Configuring the module
It is possible to set up the orders that should be taken into account in the summary, according to their state. By default, the states used for the summary are the states corresponding to paid orders.


Common trouble-shouting
  • Cache issues encountered using Internet Explorer.
An issue inherent to Prestashop in Internet explorer may provoque refreshing issues, and therefore data will not be displayed correctly. We advise you to empty your cache using + in IE if this happens.

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Synthèse des ventes et des taxes


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CGV - Mentions légales