Module Reviews, Comments Email Reminder with reward Discounts

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This module allows you to schedule sending emails, inviting your buyers to post comments and review on their purchased products.
You will increase the number of comments on your product pages. 

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Améliore la réassurance client sur votre site
It helps your shop by collecting information and adding content to it. 
Create a link between you and your customers, take the time to know their satisfaction towards a product that you sell. The number of comments on a product can reassure other consumers to purchase.
With the “Analytics Tracker” you can count the number of reviews make by the module.
With statistics you can have your own states. 
Increase quickly and easily your number of reviews on your product pages !
Thanks to this module :
  • Your pages are highlighted in Google results thanks to Google Rich Snippets (also called Structured Data). Yellow stars will appear below your results in Google making them more visible.
  • Seeing reviews makes your new customers more confident about your products and your shop.
Your customers are enhanced by the importance you give them by asking them to give their review.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Your customers can express their opinion about the products bought from your shop.
Be in contact and directly give a comment to the shop.
Future buyers have plenty of comments.
Receive a discount coupon after the review, making them feel rewarded for their review and encouraging them to make a future purchase with the coupon


1.    Install
2.    Go to the module configuration page
3.    Complete every section with the necessary values needed.
3a. Comment Reward section – Set this section to “Yes” and complete all the fields to reward the customers with a discount coupon after the he has posted a comment.
3b. Invite to Review Floater Settings Section – When a customer is on the site a floating element will appear in the bottom right corner to encourage him to review a product he ordered, select “Yes”  to turn this on, and complete the text that is displayed in element, or “No” to disable it.
3c. Reminder settings Section
            3c-1.   “Send email with product review” – the number of days after the purchase when to send the review email, some products need a bigger testing time, for example electronics, and it’s best to select a bigger time period.
            3c-2. “Send email to orders with what statuses ( CTRL + CLICK for multiple select)” – depending on each shop, order statuses may differ, so select the order type to which to send the reminders, for example there is no point in sending mails to canceled orders.
            3c-3. “Use smtp or php mail function” – select php to use the native php native function, or if you are an advanced user, select SMTP and complete all the details, it’s better to use the SMTP type, because it will lower the spam rate.
3d. Email previewSection – Configure the email template based on your preferences with the HTML editor and helper form, you can use the following template tags in the content , ,, , , to help you personalize the email.
3e. Email Preview Section – Preview the email
3f. Statistics Section – see the emails sent and if the user has commented based on that email.
4.     Activate prestashop’s native module "Product comments"
5.     Make sure that "Product comments" allows guest posting or else it will not work
6.     This module requires a cron task creation if you want to use automatic sending, more information in the configuration tab in the module or you can use the standard prestashop module “Cron Jobs”

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Module Reviews, Comments Email Reminder with reward Discounts


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