Module Portfolio Gallery with Masonry Effect

Le Dimanche 19 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This module adds plenty of premium portfolio functionalities to theme that makes you able to showcase and present your projects in an elegant way.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Valorise vos produits
Portfolio Gallery is based on the idea of albums with images that can optionally be grouped in categories! By default, albums and images are displayed in a masonry gallery.  You open up an album to see all the images. then click on an image to look at it closer.

Module  that will help you showcase your project’s results or work in an easy and fast way.


Follow the instructions documentation steps already included with theme package.

This easy at installation and flexible at configuration theme allows you to create attractive store in a couple of minutes!


We will try to reply as fast as we can as soon as possible. All requests and issues will be processed manually by our developer and our support during 24 hours.

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Module Portfolio Gallery with Masonry Effect


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