Module Mobile Browser Theme Tab Color

Le Dimanche 19 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Changes the color of the address bar mobile browser. No more unsafe editing of your PrestaShop theme’s files. Simply select color in configures and you are good to go. 

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

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With growing number of mobile web users than ever, very important to keep your branding high. 

Have you ever noticed while browsing the web on your Android phone that some websites’ address bars change to match with their brand colors? Have you been wondering how to do this on your own PrestaShop website?

With our module you will change it in few clicks! Implementing a change like this improves user experience while also boosting your brand’s visibility and overall cohesion.

When we are on certain websites that we often visit on our phones, it feels like an extra bit of finesse. The addition of a custom header color on Chrome mobile browser gives the site a native app feel. It’s a little trick that can help your users feel more at home when visiting your site on their Android mobile device. They’re also more likely to remember your site if they return. No digging through your store files, hoping you don’t break your site! 

Our module will help you to add a custom branded color to your PrestaShop website’s address bar on mobile! As you can see, it can add visual appeal that really helps us stand out.


One click installation!

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Module Mobile Browser Theme Tab Color


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