Module ILM Min Max Order Qty

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Now you can limit your customer from bulk order of any individual product.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Augmente le panier moyen de vos clients
ILM Minimum and Maximum Order Quantity helps merchant to prevent bulk ordering from third party merchant. And If any product has special deals/special discount price merchant can give limited quantity to order the product. Merchant can also set limited quantity for product attribute.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Customer may not miss the chance to buy the product.


Before Installing this module you should back up your Files and Database
Goto Back office > Modules > Add a new Module  
Upload the package that you already download then install the module.
If condition not work then follow these steps
  • Clear Smarty cache
  • Clear browser cache
  • Goto root directory > cache > delete class_index.php



 On installing on version - if intimation message not appear then follow thes steps
  • Clear Smarty cache
  • Clear browser cache
  • Goto root directory > cache > delete class_index.php

If nothing above works then do this step
if you have prestashop then goto

root folder > themes > default theme > js > modules > blockcart > ajax-cart.js

copy above file then paste it in

root folder > themes > your theme > js > modules > blockcart > ajax-cart.js

Lien associé à cet article :
Module ILM Min Max Order Qty


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Téléphone : +33 9 87 19 60 59

E-mail : [email protected]

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