Module Google Custom Search Engine Pro

Le Dimanche 19 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Enhance and optimize the search functionality of your store using google custom search engine. Get results from your configured websites. You can also improve your SEO ranking and conversion rates by using google custom search engine

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Facilite les recherches des utilisateurs sur votre site

  • Easy to understand: It allows you to search only a certain domain, web-page, or even topic for free. It makes the Internet smaller, and you’re in complete control.
  • Custom Ranking: Suppose you compile a list of a few sites based on a certain keyword but when you test out some queries using the search tool, you may see that in the search results, those articles that you preferred the most do not rank at the top. Now, you can even control the ranking of the various search results in the Google Custom Search tool.
  • Public URL: You can also get the public URL for your CSE that you can use this new search engine when simply surfing around the web.
  • SEO: Custom search is an easy way to help you find competitor’s links. You can see where your competition is earning links and then try and earn those links on your own.
  • Monetization: Although Google shows ads with free version –but you can get a share from Google’s revenue by connecting it with an AdSense account. So, more the search –more the money for you.
  • Analytics:Google keeps track of search queries and gives you all the analytic data. It helps you to understand what your users are looking for on your website.
  • Improves the Overall Traffic and Visibility of your Websites: GCS has the potential to boost the traffic and visibility of your websites since the results are limited to specific domains. What otherwise could have been missed through a normal google search as it displays the worldwide results, Google Custom Search ensures that those results are displayed through the custom search engine.
  • Easy Configuration and Installation: Google Custom Search is very easy to configure, customize and finally set it up on your website. Almost every basic setting can be configured using a simple GUI interface.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

  • Google Custom Search has got your customer covered. It automatically detects possible typos and provides a relevant alternative search term in its place.  
  • Search Engine provides all the related links to the searched keyword at one place, your customer never needs to leave your site.
  • Response time is incredible, so is the search relevance.
  • CSE hide complex search syntax from customers.


Step 1:) Upload the module zip to backend.
Step 2:) Install it and configure the module according to your requirement
Step 3:) Create a new google search engine from
Step by step screenshots are available in product sheet of the module.
Step 4:) Copy the Search Engine ID
Step 5:) Paste the Search Engine ID on the configuration page of module.
Step 6:) Setup the search engine from the control panel according to the requirements.
The module is ready to use.

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Module Google Custom Search Engine Pro


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