Modules Prestashop

Module Swish för handel - Sync Mobile APP

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

With this plugin you will get a new payment method called "Swish", which will realise an API call to Swish system to sync with client mobile APP. The client will be able to pay with his mobile and after pay the prestashop order will be finished.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Propose un paiement adapté à vos clients
  • The best payment method for Swish.
  • Working in more than 500 ecommerces in another platforms.

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Module Swish för handel - Sync Mobile APP

Module Cybersource Official

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Cybersource Addon can quickly help you reach your digital commerce goals. Our global, modular payment management platform can support you to enhance customer experience, grow revenues and mitigate risk.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Incite vos visiteurs à finaliser leurs achats
  • The main benefits of Cybersource are, users can use it to accept payments in more than 40 currencies from more than 190 countries, plus it has excellent anti-fraud tool. Here are more details:
  • Cybersource has features like secure acceptance and global fraud management. Tokenization technologies also ensure transactions are secure and remove sensitive payment data from the transaction. Fraud analysts also look at worldwide trends so Cybersource’s own processes can be monitored and fine-tuned.
  • Cybersource users can also accept payments from multiple channels, be it mobile, web, or even a call center. Transactions have a universal token and central database that supports all channels and offer users a complete view of consumer activity. Information gleaned from this can then be used for marketing activities and customer analysis. Chargebacks, payments, and support queries are all handled safely, thanks to Format-preserving tokens.
  • Merchants worldwide get an enterprise-class solution when they start using Cybersource, as it has a payment management solution that is comprehensive and can be used for retail, travel, small businesses, and media and entertainment. 


Get started in just 3 steps
  •  Download the add-on and documentation.
  •  Activate the add-on in the PrestaShop Back Office. 
  •  Configure your Cybersource Merchant account and other details as per steps given in the documentation.


Compatible from to version of PrestaShop.

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Module Cybersource Official


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